Sunday, February 21, 2016

community service reflection essay


        I believe that helping others is a great value that all people should believe in because as humans we cannot satisfy all of our needs by ourselves. In fact, there will be always situations when we need help from others therefore; we need to work as a community. 

       i have done community service in many places one of them was in Mr. tan class. the goal was to help students who struggles with math and most of them was 9th graders and some of them were 10th graders. usually they bring their homework problems and i let them try first , if they having a hard time solving that problem  than i help them. When  students brings a complex problem it requires more than one person to solve that problem. I faced many problems like that and solving those problems allowed me to learn new things which also made me better learner and brought my math skill to higher level. 

            overall i feel volunteering makes people better. It is great way to support students and meet new people. I think everyone should volunteer for something that they are good at. I am glad that i volunteer because i really felt like i made change and i look forward to more opportunities. 

Monday, February 1, 2016

status of my research paper and community service, economics

2). my research paper is about technology describing its positive and negative effects
i did community service in Mr Tan class helping out people who struggles with math.

1). economics: money, jobs, stock, prices, market, business, trade, profit,


Wednesday, January 27, 2016

My Research paper about Technology

Throughout the United States history, technological developments have played an important role in transforming American society. There are many technologies that changed the face of American society; two of them are Automobile and Nuclear Energy. These technologies have had both positive and negative effects on the Unites States and American society.
Automobile is a machine that is developed to transport goods and people from one place to another. First Automobile was invented by Harl Benz in Germany on 1886.since then Automobile has become the main source to transport goods and people. Many countries many countries took this idea, one of them was United States. First Automobile business in United States was founded by Henry Ford. He mass produced the automobile (United States history book page no 436). Through Automobile Business he owned many other businesses. He became one the richest person in the United States. However this technology also had negative effects in the environment. This technology polluted the earth’s environment, all the waste material that came out from factory was dumped into the water and polluted the water; carbon emission was rapidly increasing which threatened climate change. People weren’t aware of all the negative effects.
Another technology that transformed the American society is Nuclear Energy. Nuclear energy was invented in late 1940s and first time it was used as a bomb in Japan (United States history book, chapter 24 page 818). It was also known as weapon of mass destruction. It also ended the World War 2. Now this technology is being used as alternative source of energy, carbon less energy source which reduces the carbon level in the earth’s atmosphere. However this also has a negative effect because the waste particle came from nuclear power plant in highly radioactive. It also has high chances of exploding and when it explodes in releases the radiation on atmosphere which is highly dangerous to every living thing even to humans.
Although the negative effects seems high but scientist and engineer have made a backup plans for this kinds of situation. These technologies effects United States socially, economically and politically. 

Monday, January 11, 2016

Citation Animal Farm and notes

author: Orwell, George.
 Animal Farm
New York:
Published - Harcourt, Brace & Co.
Type of Media :   Print.
First published August 17th 1945

“The only good human being is a dead one.”

Animal Farm in an allegory about some farm who revolt and take over the farm.. George Orwel, the author wrote this book to discuss communism and government.

Friday, January 8, 2016

U.S history textbook citaion

Textbook - Title : United states history

Authors - Emma Lapsanky-Werner, Randy Roberts
publisher: Pearson Education Inc

state:New Jersey

Lapsansky, Emma. United States History. Pearson Education, 2013. Print.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

citaion of article

Roos, Janell. "Why Aren't We Calling the Oregon Occupires Terrorist." Why Aren't We Calling the Oregon Occupires Terrorist 4 Jan. 2016. Print.

Monday, January 4, 2016

My explanation of citation, biography and research paper

citation is to give credit where you got the information from.

Bibliography list of citation

they relate to a research paper in that a research  paper has a listing of bibliography and citations.

key vocabulary- credible, bias, evidence

 another word for credible is believable

bias: favoritism